Laurie has been putting in the work! 2 years ago she was affected by COVID. Affected by not being active, developed bad habits of snacking, and overall quality of life was low.
When we sat down 4 months ago she said, “Akeem I don’t like how I feel or how I look in the mirror. I want to feel better in my body and want to like who I see in the mirror. I also don’t want my body to feel old. I want to keep up with my grandchildren too. I need to get my ass moving and making some serious changes!”
So she started training in personal training 2x/week. By training a minimum of 2x/week with a program that is customized to her abilities and goals Laurie has made great progress.
We’ve only adjusted 2 things with her nutrition; increase protein consumption and decrease snaking. When she increased her protein consumption she decreased her snacking because she was fuller; which decreased the temptation.
She plans and prepare most of her meals. She walks a few times a week and she lives her life with no guilt. One thing that stands out with her is she’s coachable. She ask questions and takes action.
Laurie has been putting in the work and she is proud of it!!!
Click the link to book your 10min discovery call to see if and how we could potentially help you: https://kilo.gymleadmachine.com/widget/bookings/health3/discoverycall