This week’s Client Spotlight Saturday is Christine Powers! She wanted to rekindle her “inner bad a$$” and at 49 years old she has done that since joining in September! She trained 2x/wk in personal training and 1-2x/wk in large group training. You can read her story here:

“I started at H3 in September 2022, and it had been at least 10 years since I worked out in a gym. I used to love going to a gym. Over time, though, I became good at focusing on showing up for others – family, work, friends – and lost focus on taking time to show up for myself. My only consistent form of exercise was the almost-daily walks with my dog (yes, I was even showing up for my dog!). I needed a change and was interested in the HEALTH3 approach.

In my initial meeting with Akeem, I told him I wanted to rekindle my inner bad a$$, yet I knew I needed to tackle change differently. My tendency is to jump in full-throttle, and then I struggle with long-term consistency. I needed help developing a long-term mindset, which led me to invest in one-on-one training as a kickstart. The accountability, custom workouts, encouragement, and support in the personal training sessions have made a huge difference for me — particularly in fueling that long-term mindset and making my gym habit stick. I’ve learned proper form and have more confidence in the larger group workouts.

Today, my clothes fit better and I love that feeling. My biggest progress, though, has been consistency and commitment to myself. I’m not envisioning that I’m taking a linear path on a mountain I need to climb. Instead, I envision a really awesome trail with hills, paths, and switchbacks — and it’s way more fun than the mountain. I’m proud that I’ve been patient with myself, celebrating the small gains and not giving up when I felt sore or struggled with poor grip or could’ve skipped the gym and caught up on work emails.

The community atmosphere keeps me coming back. All of the trainers do a fantastic job setting the tone and nurturing a community culture.

Now, I’m working on improving my cardio and focusing more on nutrition. The intro class with nutrition coach Jen provided a ton of great information, recipes and ideas to implement.

I am thankful to be part of the H3 community — and am particularly thankful for those who give me and others a high-5 when finishing a workout. That is bad a$$!”

From September to the end of December here is her progress:

Bench press- +20lb, trap bar deadlift- +45lb, overhead press- +10lb, squat- +66lb, bent over row- +15lb, carry- +33sec, plank- +1:14, bike (1min max calories)- +3cal, skierg (500m for time): -21sec


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