This week’s Client Spotlight is Beth Diekevers! Beth has been with us for 3 months and has been putting the work in since day 1! She comes in smiling no matter if it 4pm or 6:30am. She is a hardworker and has changed her life for the better. Allow Beth’s story to inspire you!

“The problem I had before I came to HEALTH3, was I was very unmotivated. I have had a gym membership that I never used. I always thought about it, but never went. I always had an excuse of why I couldn’t go. I have always been an athlete, worked out, ran alot, and was all in all a healthy person. But then I got in a big slump or rut however you want to say that and couldn’t find my way out of it. Every Sunday I would say to my kids…”Monday starts the diet”… and they actually both looked at me and said “yea ok mom”. So I often let myself down not following through AGAIN.

Also, I lived my life for my 2 kids… once they didn’t need me as much I was sitting around and wondering who I was… I had to find myself again as a person and not just a mom and I realized one of those was getting myself healthy and happy.

I couldn’t solve this problem, that was the frustration….I was trying to find any excuse not to solve the problem but then I looked in the mirror one day and said, “Beth enough is enough!” So I reached out to HEALTH3.

The difference about my journey this time is that I am doing it for me. I signed up by myself, I go to sessions by myself, not knowing anyone. Before I would be looking for someone to go with and it would work then it wouldn’t, so this time, I did it for ME!

I’m movitvated, I enjoy the sessions, and I am seeing changes not only phsyically; but mentally and emothionally too. My self esteem has increased; almost like I am starting to love myself again! These changes just makes me happy!

What keeps me coming back is the environment. When you walk through the doors of HEALTH3 you are always greeted with such a friendly hello. You feel like a person, not just a member, if that makes sense. Also everyone from coaches to other clients are so encouraging. It is such a great atmosphere.

Since joining, I have increase my skeletal muscle mass 3.6lbs. I lost 6.6lbs of fat and my body fat percentage dropped 3.3%! I can tell my clothes are fitting better. I can also tell my mid section and upper body is stronger.

If I could go back in time I would tell myself, “Beth, I wish you would have had the courage to reach out and do this on your own for you. No one else.”


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