This week’s Client Spotlight Saturday is Jennifer Foley! There’s not a day that goes by when she’s not smiling! She come in, do the work, and stays positive the whole time. You can read her story here:

“The problem I had before HEALTH3 was consistency. Being a busy mom with a full-time job made it easy to come up with excuses as to why I can’t make it to the gym. I was good at jumping head-first into a new routine or gym, but that ambition and enthusiasm slowly went away each time. It was very frustrating, and I was continuously looking for something that would hold my attention longer. Then I found HEALTH3 and haven’t looked back since!

When I go to H3 I know that I am going to get a great full-body workout without having to think about it or plan it. I plan enough in my life already, I don’t need to take on one more thing. At Health3 the exercises are pre-planned, and after an intense 30 minutes I am done for the day and feel great. When I was left on my own to plan workouts it was too easy to skip my not-so-favorite exercises.

When I show up to HEALTH3 I know I have a professional that has come up with a plan, which is far better than I could do on my own. HEALTH3 provides great accountability too. If I miss some days or am out of the normal routine, it is noticed. Both the coaches and the people I work out next to are simply amazing. You won’t find a more supportive environment anywhere else!

I am stronger now than I have been in my life. Never would I have thought that would be the case at the age of 40. I have 2 young girls and an active husband. I need to keep up with them! Keeping up with my gym routine allows me to do that. I also want to be a good role model for my girls when it comes to health in general, but especially staying active and strong.

I’ve seen a steady increase in my skeletal muscle mass since I started Health3. Being able to use the InBody scan and seeing the steady increase is rewarding after all the hard work!

If I could go back one year I would tell myself, just stick with it! A 5am alarm is part of my normal routine now, which I NEVER thought would be the case. If I don’t get to the gym in the morning my whole day feels off. It took a little bit to get used to the early mornings, and I’d be lying if I said I don’t think about hitting snooze quite often still, but I have done it enough times now that I know I’ll feel so much better all day if I just get out of bed and go.”


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(616) 585-0162


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