1,200 calorie diets have been a thing since 1920. Did you know it’s also referred to as the starvation diet?
Here’s the thing- at first, you will lose weight on this very low-calorie diet…until your body decides enough is enough and slooooows your metabolism down so you’re not starving anymore.
At that point, your weight plateaus and you might find it very easy to gain that weight back. Your body won. It didn’t like starving, so it reset its energy output to work under this low cal regime. The dieting industry has been around for 200+ years and if you take a look at all of the diets at once, you’ll see how ridiculous they are.
Health experts have told us:
*To eat only rice, potatoes, and vinegar
*That ladies should never eat in public unless it’s lobster salad & champagne (yes, this was an actual recommendation!)
*To only eat cabbage soup
*To trade potatoes for bacon, and bread for fried chicken
*To eat bars, shakes, and other expensive supplements instead of cooking real food
When you look at all of these diets all at once, it’s easy to spot (and, frankly, mock) a fad diet. But when you’re desperate to lose weight and/or feel better, it can be much harder to steer clear of the latest shiny new fad diet when it promises such an easy “solution”.
Moral of the story…balance, less processed foods, less sugar and whole foods wins!