It’s More Important Than The Weight

‘I FEEL AT PEACE!” This is was Sarah said to me yesterday when I asked her how she feels in her health and fitness journey right now. She’s a married mother of 4 children, works from home, and has been one of my clients going on 6 years. She dropped over 80lbs in a little […]

Kickstart Your Journey to Health: Transform Your Body and Mind in Just 4 Weeks

Are you tired of feeling weighed down by excess fat and weight? Do you find yourself longing for more energy and vitality? If you’re nodding along, then you’re in the right place. Welcome to our exclusive 4-week kickstart program designed especially for individuals like you—individuals who are ready to take charge of their health and […]

Mindful Living: The Key to Holistic Well-Being

In the fast-paced world we inhabit, where demands from work, family, and personal aspirations often pull us in multiple directions, the concept of holistic well-being becomes paramount. For individuals aged 35 to 65, navigating this intricate web of responsibilities requires more than just physical fitness and a balanced diet—it necessitates a journey into mindful living. […]

Nutrition Hacks for the Modern Midlifer: Eating Your Way to Vitality

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to overlook the importance of nutrition, especially as we navigate the dynamic landscape of our careers, family, and personal pursuits. For individuals between the ages of 35 and 65, maintaining optimal nutrition is not just about appearance but is a key factor in feeling better […]

The Power of Mindset in Achieving Sustainable Fat Loss

In the pursuit of fat loss, the mind plays a pivotal role that often goes unnoticed. Beyond diets and exercise routines, cultivating the right mindset can be the linchpin for lasting success. Understanding how our thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs influence our behaviors is key to achieving and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. Our mindset profoundly shapes […]

Why Focusing on Fat Loss Trumps Weight Loss

In the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, the terms “weight loss” and “fat loss” are often used interchangeably. However, understanding the distinction between the two can significantly impact your fitness journey. While shedding pounds might seem like the ultimate goal, prioritizing fat loss over mere weight reduction brings about more sustainable, long-term benefits. Body Composition […]

Client Spotlight: Kris Vanderwall

“I FEEL LIKE I’M GETTING MY LIFE BACK!” -Kristopher Vanderwall This was the statement Kris said to me last week. He’s in my 9 week mentorship. He’s a husband, a father, works remotely from home, and a hard worker. He trains 3x/week in personal training, focuses on 5 daily habits, weekly accountability, gets nutrition coaching, […]

Client Spotlight: Beth Diekevers

Beth has been a client for a year now and she’s gained back control of her health and life! She’s a single mother, with 2 jobs, and prioritizes herself! We sat down December last year; one question I asked was, “Why do you really want to make this change?” With tears in her eyes she […]

Client Spotlight: Anna Cason

Let me tell you a story about my wife’s, Anna, journey. She’s a mother of 2 beautiful daughters (1 and 3 years old), works full time, and has struggled with the way she feels about how her body looks. This has been something she struggled since I’ve known her. In February 2019, our first daughter […]


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(616) 585-0162


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