This is a question you may have asked or wondered. In the health and fitness you’ll see unrealistic marketing like “Lose 20lbs in 30 days”, “7 day detox and drop 7lbs”, or “Gain 10lbs of muscle in 4 weeks”.
Let’s just be real! None of that is realistic nor sustainable. So why do people want fast results? Because that’s what they are seeing in marketing ads and promotions.
So, what is realistic fat loss? Let me ask this question first, would you like to decrease your body fat by 10lbs, 20lbs, or 30lbs? Did you know being 30lbs down in a year is .58lbs/week?!
That mean you can still drink wine, eat pizza, and have chocolate chips cookies (this is what I do lol) and still make realistic and sustainable progress.
Looking at your progress monthly is good, yet looking at it over 6 months to a year shows you the bigger picture.