If you place your satisfaction of yourself in the achievement of the goal, you will always feel stuck.
For example…
“Once I lose weight, then I’ll feel good about myself…”
Weight loss is not the “fix to feeling better about yourself.
The confidence and certainty in yourself isn’t found at the finish line
It’s built along the journey through your actions.
The better approach:
“I can start feeling good about myself right now by choosing to prioritize my health and body.”
This is why it’s so important to stop telling yourself that you’ll start tomorrow, on Monday, the 1st of the month, or in the New Year.
You can start building that confidence with following through on the things you say you are going to do with yourself, right now, in this moment.
Even you reading this post until the end shows that you want it, and you are ready to bet on yourself.
So, pat yourself on the back, be easy with yourself, and start building up those small wins as soon as possible.
It builds up compound interest in your mind.
When you’re ready to make that start, and start seeing results for the rest of your life, send me a message.
We’ve been waiting for you!
Let’s dominate this week.
Click the link to book your 10min discovery call: https://kilo.gymleadmachine.com/…/health3/discoverycall